Tag Archives: remote

2018 Nationals Remote Access & Scenario

Blue Teams,
My name is Daniel Limanowski and I am the competition director for the 2018 NCDC. I work at the Information Assurance Lab, ISEAGE, at Iowa State University under Dr. Doug Jacobson. In addition to myself, there are several others on staff who are working to put on this CDC. They are: Grant Foudree, Matthew Burket, William Rickert, Nathan Mulbrook, Joel May, Joel Wacker, Alex Scheel, and Keane O’Kelley.

The scenario for the 2018 NCDC has been released and is available in the email sent to Blue Teams.

The rules for the competition are located here: https://docs.iseage.org/rules/current/
The “Getting Started” section of the rules will explain a few things about the competition environment: https://docs.iseage.org/rules/current/getting_started/index.html
The “Setting Up a Server” section of the rules will help you get your services online: https://docs.iseage.org/rules/current/server_setup/index.html

Remote setup is now officially open. Remote setup will be open until February 1st, 2018 when we will close for a few hours and then reopen later that day. I will send out more details on this in the coming weeks.

Remote Access to vCenter is located here: https://vcenter.iseage.org/

NOTE REGARDING HMIs: For power and water HMI applications, be sure to locate the configuration files for both and update the IP addresses to point to your SCADA Devices box (x.x.x.60).

Below are some important dates to be tracking:
1) Scenario released, begin remote setup (NOW!)
2) Remote access goes down for a few hours (February 1st, 2018…hours TBA)
3) On-site Setup Phase in Ames, IA (February 2, 2018…12:00PM – 10:00PM)
4) On-site Attack Phase & Debrief in Ames, IA (February 3, 2018…8:00AM – 5:00PM)

If you have any questions please email us at cdc_support@iastate.edu
Also, you can get support on support chat at https://setup.iseage.org

Doug Jacobson, the ISU Information Assurance Center, and the ISEAGE staff are looking forward to another exciting, eventful competition.

Good luck and have fun!

Daniel Limanowski