Author Archives: Alexander Scheel

ISU2 2018 – Kickoff and Scenario Release Announcement

Greetings to all participating in the ISU2 Spring 2018 CDC!

Here are the slides from the kickoff event last night. For those interested in taking CPR E 332 (1 credit CDC class), please get add slips to Dr. Rursch by March 2nd.

Lastly, all machines have been deployed and the scenario finalize. Please log in to to view the scenario documents. Additionally, see the email we have sent out to registered members. Best of luck!

If you have any questions, please reach out to us via email at or on our support chat at  If you are stuck and don’t know what to do or where to start, don’t give up! Instead, ask us for help and come to lab jams!



Best of luck,

Alex Scheel, Director